Friday, April 4, 2008

Assignment 5. Tyler Walton. _ per.5

#1.) The project of my novel is that no matter how bad things can get and how little a person is, he/she can do big things and true friends will always be there for you when you need them the most.

#2.) The main conflict of this book is when the main character tries to destroy the ring at Mordor and he must face not only other characters (orks) but the supernatural power of the ring and himself as well. The most important conflict would be him versus the supernatural power and himself.

#3.)The conflict contributes to the project by showing you how strong a person is and that if something is important enough to them then they will stop at nothing to finish the job. It also shows that some individuals can overcome the power of certain issues and hardships.

#4.) The violence and the drama. Other elements would be the stuggleand deceit of some people on their journey.